- [S1] Interview with unknown informant (unknown informant address). Unknown repository (unknown repository address.)
- [S2] Ralph James Yost, Ralph Yost, - personal knowledge (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date.)
- [S3] Sherman Township Farmer Is Dead, Obituary/Newspaper item, Bellevue, OHIO, 10/4/1934, 4, col 3. Hereinafter cited as Bellevue Gazette.
- [S4] LDS Web Site,.
- [S5] Cook Book published by Denise Brickner in 1995 has a section on genealogy. The book is a focus on Olga Schreiner and husband Raphael Brickner and family.,.
- [S6] Kristina Krumm, Ohio genealogist,.
- [S7] Cara Roberts Web Page http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~holmer/jfs.html,.
- [S8] St. Sebastian Catholic Church in Sherman Twp., Huron Co., Ohio BGSU CAC microfilm MS-904, roll 1,.
- [S9] Unknown household, unknown record type, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
- [S10] 17 Jun 1870 Census,.
- [S11] 11 Jun 1900 Census,.
- [S12] Jun 1880 Census,.
- [S13] St. Michaels Catholic Church,.
- [S14] Reed Assumption Catholic Church records, Reed Twp, OH,.
- [S15] Ancestry.com,.
- [S16] Census,.
- [S17] Dave Kuntz Genealogical Records,.
- [S19] Ohio Deaths, 1958-2002 Record,.
- [S20] Unknown subject entry, unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S21] Seneca County Marriage Index,.
- [S22] Rutherford B HAYES Presidential Library obit index,.
- [S23] 1920 Census,.
- [S24] 1910 Census,.
- [S25] Interview with Martin Elmlinger, Mar 2006,.
- [S26] Interview with Marcella Schreiner Kaiser, Mar 18,2006,.
- [S27] Interview with Melvin Schreiner (Fostoria, Ohio), by Ralph Yost, Apr 2 2006. Unknown repository (unknown repository address.)
- [S28] Interview with unknown informant (unknown informant address). Unknown repository (unknown repository address.)
- [S29] Death Record,.
- [S30] Interview with Herman Schreiner (unknown informant address), by Ralph Yost, April 8, 2006. Unknown repository (unknown repository address.)
- [S31] Unknown article title, Advertiser-Tribune of Tiffin, Seneca, Ohio, unknown location.
- [S33] Interview with Marie Schreiner Smith, (Ohio), by Ralph Yost, April 9, 2006. Unknown repository (unknown repository address.)
- [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location.
- [S38] Ralph Yost, Cemetery Marker (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date.)
- [S40] Ronald Gase Web Site,.
- [S42] Family Artifact,.
- [S48] Geneological Survey Form data,.
- [S51] Assumption Catholic Cemetery, Reed Twp, OH.
- [S56] David Velten, Genealogical, May 2006, Boston MA.
- [S58] Baptismal Record, Baptismal Record, (Baptismal Record), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Baptismal Record.
- [S63] Unknown name of person, unknown record type unknown number, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S66] Loretta Gerber Genealogy Records,.
- [S68] "Huron Co Ohio Cemetery Inscriptions", Huron Co Chapter, OGS, 1997,.
- [S70] Steve and Marge Bogner, Reed Asumption History/Memory Book (New Washington, Ohio: Herald Printing Co., Nov 2005). Hereinafter cited as Reed Asumption History/Memory Book.
- [S76] John Schreiner Family Data Sheet provided by Vicki Elmlinger Sep 5, 2006,.
- [S84] Huron County Marriages Index,.
- [S100] Birth Record (Published),.
- [S118] Church Records.
- [S127] Find A Grave Web Site.
- [S128] 1940 Census,.
- [S136] Personal knowledge of Ralph James Yost (Cape Coral Fl.)