Amy Weemhoff1,2

F, #14431, b. 25 September 1969
     Amy Weemhoff was born on 25 September 1969 at Michigan, USA.2 As of before December 2008,her married name was Marble.1,3 She married John Scott Marble, son of Ronald Oliver Marble Sr. and Carolyn O. Antor, before December 2008.1,3


John Scott Marble b. 21 January 1968
Last Edited15 Oct 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Lorraina Antor, Apr 26, 2011, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  2. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:
  3. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Gerald A. Antor, Dec 7, 2008, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

Brian Alan Marble1,2

M, #14432, b. 9 May 1971
Father*Ronald Oliver Marble Sr.1 b. 4 Sep 1942
Mother*Carolyn O. Antor1 b. 4 Oct 1946
Relationship4th cousin 2 times removed of Ralph James Yost
     Brian Alan Marble was born on 9 May 1971 at Michigan, USA.2 He married Tammy Unknown before December 2008.1,3
Last Edited15 Oct 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Lorraina Antor, Apr 26, 2011, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  2. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:
  3. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Gerald A. Antor, Dec 7, 2008, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

Tammy Unknown1

F, #14433
     As of before December 2008,her married name was Marble.1,2 Tammy Unknown married Brian Alan Marble, son of Ronald Oliver Marble Sr. and Carolyn O. Antor, before December 2008.1,2


Brian Alan Marble b. 9 May 1971
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Lorraina Antor, Apr 26, 2011, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  2. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Gerald A. Antor, Dec 7, 2008, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

Leo Julius (Junior) Antor1,2,3

M, #14434, b. 15 June 1931, d. 11 July 2014
Father*Leo Joseph Antor1 b. 30 Jan 1897, d. 3 Mar 1988
Mother*Anne Marie Dietrich1 b. 13 Aug 1900, d. 29 Aug 1943
Relationship4th cousin of Ralph James Yost
     Leo Julius (Junior) Antor was born on 15 June 1931.2 He lived in 1940 at Comstock Park, Alpine Township, Kent, Michigan.4 He married Patricia Russell circa 1958.1,5 Leo Julius (Junior) Antor lived in March 1988 at Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan.3 He died on 11 July 2014 at age 83.5 He was buried on 15 July 2014.5


Patricia Russell
Last Edited15 Oct 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Lorraine Antor, Apr 26, 2011, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  2. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:
  3. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Leo J Antor, March 1988. Grand Rapids MI (Publication not provided.)
  4. [S128] 1940 Census, , United States Census, 1940," Leo Antor, Comstock Park, Alpine Township, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 41-3, sheet 15B, family 281, NARA digital publication T627 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012), roll 1774.
  5. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Leo J. Antor, Jul 12, 2014, Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  6. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of David Russel Antor, Aug 1997. (Publication not provided.)

Patricia Russell1,2

F, #14435
     As of circa 1958,her married name was Antor.1,3 Patricia Russell married Leo Julius (Junior) Antor, son of Leo Joseph Antor and Anne Marie Dietrich, circa 1958.1,3


Leo Julius (Junior) Antor b. 15 June 1931, d. 11 July 2014
Last Edited13 Oct 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Lorraine Antor, Apr 26, 2011, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  2. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Leo J Antor, March 1988. Grand Rapids MI (Publication not provided.)
  3. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Leo J. Antor, Jul 12, 2014, Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  4. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of David Russel Antor, Aug 1997. (Publication not provided.)

Charles L. (Chuck) Antor1,2,3

M, #14436, b. 11 February 1939
Father*Leo Joseph Antor1 b. 30 Jan 1897, d. 3 Mar 1988
Mother*Anne Marie Dietrich1 b. 13 Aug 1900, d. 29 Aug 1943
Relationship4th cousin of Ralph James Yost
     Charles L. (Chuck) Antor was born on 11 February 1939 at Comstock Park, Alpine Township, Kent, Michigan, USA.4,3 He lived in 1940 at Comstock Park, Alpine Township, Kent, Michigan.4 He married Sharon L. Krywos, daughter of Edmund I. Krywos and Violet Unknown, before March 1988.5 Charles L. (Chuck) Antor and Sharon L. Krywos lived in March 1988 at Arkansas.5 Charles L. (Chuck) Antor and Sherri Unknown lived between 1 March 1993 and 15 November 2007 at Cumming, Georgia.3 Charles L. (Chuck) Antor married Sherri Unknown before April 2011.1

Family 1

Sharon L. Krywos b. 1 February 1943

Family 2

Sherri Unknown
Last Edited16 Oct 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Lorraine Antor, Apr 26, 2011, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  2. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Gerald A. Antor, Dec 7, 2008, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  3. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:
  4. [S128] 1940 Census, , United States Census, 1940," Leo Antor, Comstock Park, Alpine Township, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 41-3, sheet 15B, family 281, NARA digital publication T627 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012), roll 1774.
  5. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Leo J Antor, March 1988. Grand Rapids MI (Publication not provided.)

Sherri Unknown1

F, #14437
     Sherri Unknown and Charles L. (Chuck) Antor lived between 1 March 1993 and 15 November 2007 at Cumming, Georgia.2 As of before April 2011,her married name was Antor.1 Sherri Unknown married Charles L. (Chuck) Antor, son of Leo Joseph Antor and Anne Marie Dietrich, before April 2011.1


Charles L. (Chuck) Antor b. 11 February 1939
Last Edited15 Oct 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Lorraine Antor, Apr 26, 2011, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  2. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:

Arnold Francis "Pete" Antor1,2,3

M, #14438, b. 16 June 1926, d. 11 December 1989
Father*Leo Joseph Antor1 b. 30 Jan 1897, d. 3 Mar 1988
Mother*Anne Marie Dietrich1 b. 13 Aug 1900, d. 29 Aug 1943
Relationship4th cousin of Ralph James Yost
     Arnold Francis "Pete" Antor was born on 16 June 1926 at Comstock Park, Alpine Township, Kent, Michigan, USA.4,2,3 He lived in 1940 at Comstock Park, Alpine Township, Kent, Michigan.4 He married Mary Irene Deering before March 1988.5 Arnold Francis "Pete" Antor and Mary Irene Deering lived in March 1988 at Fremont, Newaygo, Michigan.5 Arnold Francis "Pete" Antor died on 11 December 1989 at Gerber Hospital, Fremont, Newaygo, Michigan, at age 63.1,6,3,7 He was buried on 15 December 1989 at Holy Trinity Cemetery, Comstock Park, Kent, Michigan.2,6


Mary Irene Deering b. 26 July 1928
Last Edited15 Oct 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Gerald A. Antor, Dec 7, 2008, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  2. [S127] Find A Grave Web Site.
  3. [S38] Ralph Yost, Cemetery Marker (n.p.:, unknown publish date), Full name, birth and death dates clearly visible on grave stone.
  4. [S128] 1940 Census, , United States Census, 1940," Leo Antor, Comstock Park, Alpine Township, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 41-3, sheet 15B, family 281, NARA digital publication T627 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012), roll 1774.
  5. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Leo J Antor, March 1988. Grand Rapids MI (Publication not provided.)
  6. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Arnold F. (Pete) Antor, Dec 1989. Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  7. [S29] Death Record, Michigan Death Index, 1971-1996," Arnold F Antor, 11 Dec 1989; from "Michigan, Deaths, 1971-1996," database, Ancestry ( : 1998); citing Fremont, Newaygo, Michigan, death certificate number 74174, Michigan Department of Vital and Health Records, Lansing.

Robert J. Antor1,2

M, #14439, b. 9 June 1929, d. 23 February 1999
Father*Leo Joseph Antor1 b. 30 Jan 1897, d. 3 Mar 1988
Mother*Anne Marie Dietrich1 b. 13 Aug 1900, d. 29 Aug 1943
Relationship4th cousin of Ralph James Yost
     Robert J. Antor was born on 9 June 1929 at Michigan, USA.2 He lived in 1940 at Comstock Park, Alpine Township, Kent, Michigan.3 He married Alice M. Kosloski, daughter of Leonard Kosloski and Mathilda Czaplewski, on 31 March 1951 at Oregon, Ogle, Illinois.4,5 Robert J. Antor married Marjorie J. Norsen, daughter of Andrew Norsen and Alma Fahlstrom, before March 1988.6 Robert J. Antor and Marjorie J. Norsen lived in March 1988 at Illinois.6 Robert J. Antor and Marjorie J. Norsen lived between 1998 and 2004 at Oregon, Ogle, Illionois.7 Robert J. Antor died on 23 February 1999 at Ogle, Illinois, at age 69.1,2 He was buried in February 1999 at Saint Marys Cemetery, Oregon, Ogle, Illinois.4

Family 1

Alice M. Kosloski b. 23 October 1933, d. 15 December 1971
Marriage*He married Alice M. Kosloski, daughter of Leonard Kosloski and Mathilda Czaplewski, on 31 March 1951 at Oregon, Ogle, Illinois.4,5 

Family 2

Marjorie J. Norsen b. 22 February 1928, d. 28 December 2009
Marriage*Robert J. Antor married Marjorie J. Norsen, daughter of Andrew Norsen and Alma Fahlstrom, before March 1988.6 
Last Edited15 Oct 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Gerald A. Antor, Dec 7, 2008, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  2. [S18] Unknown subject, unknown file number, Social Security Death Index Record, unknown series (n.p.:
  3. [S128] 1940 Census, , United States Census, 1940," Leo Antor, Comstock Park, Alpine Township, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 41-3, sheet 15B, family 281, NARA digital publication T627 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012), roll 1774.
  4. [S127] Find A Grave Web Site.
  5. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Mrs. Robert Antor, Dec 16, 1971, Freeport Journal-Standard, Freeport IL.
  6. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Leo J Antor, March 1988. Grand Rapids MI (Publication not provided.)
  7. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:

Sandra Joan (Sandy) Unknown1,2

F, #14440
     As of before December 2008,her married name was Antor.1 Sandra Joan (Sandy) Unknown married Gregory Jacob Antor, son of Gerald Albert Antor and Lorraine Droski, before December 2008.1


Gregory Jacob Antor b. 15 June 1953
Last Edited15 Oct 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Gerald A. Antor, Dec 7, 2008, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  2. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:

Eleanor Marie Antor1

F, #14441, b. 15 December 1919, d. 27 October 2014
Father*Leo Joseph Antor2 b. 30 Jan 1897, d. 3 Mar 1988
Mother*Anne Marie Dietrich2 b. 13 Aug 1900, d. 29 Aug 1943
Relationship4th cousin of Ralph James Yost
     Eleanor Marie Antor was born on 15 December 1919 at Comstock Park, Alpine Township, Kent, Michigan, USA.3,1 She lived in 1940 at Comstock Park, Alpine Township, Kent, Michigan.3 As of 16 June 1951,her married name was Higgins.2,4 She married Lawrence (Larry) Higgins on 16 June 1951 at St. Andrews Cathedral, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan.4,5 Eleanor Marie Antor and Lawrence (Larry) Higgins lived before 1972 at Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan.5 Eleanor Marie Antor and Lawrence (Larry) Higgins lived in 1972 at Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.4,1 Eleanor Marie Antor and Lawrence (Larry) Higgins lived in 2000 at Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan.1 Eleanor Marie Antor lived in 2013 at Vista Springs, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan.1 She died on 27 October 2014 at Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, at age 94; never had any children of their own.1 She was buried on 31 October 2014 at Holy Trinity Cemetery, Comstock Park, Kent, Michigan.1


Lawrence (Larry) Higgins d. 21 July 2012
Marriage*She married Lawrence (Larry) Higgins on 16 June 1951 at St. Andrews Cathedral, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan.4,5 
Last Edited16 Oct 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Eleanor (Antor) Higgins, Oct 2014 on, Heritage Life Story Funeral Homes, Grand Rapids MI.
  2. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Gerald A. Antor, Dec 7, 2008, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  3. [S128] 1940 Census, , United States Census, 1940," Leo Antor, Comstock Park, Alpine Township, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 41-3, sheet 15B, family 281, NARA digital publication T627 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012), roll 1774.
  4. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Leo J Antor, March 1988. Grand Rapids MI (Publication not provided.)
  5. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Lawrence (Larry) Higgins, July 2012 on, Heritage Life Story Funeral Homes, Grand Rapids MI.

Lawrence (Larry) Higgins1,2

M, #14442, d. 21 July 2012
     Lawrence (Larry) Higgins married Eleanor Marie Antor, daughter of Leo Joseph Antor and Anne Marie Dietrich, on 16 June 1951 at St. Andrews Cathedral, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan.2,3 Lawrence (Larry) Higgins and Eleanor Marie Antor lived before 1972 at Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan.3 Lawrence (Larry) Higgins and Eleanor Marie Antor lived in 1972 at Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.2,4 Lawrence (Larry) Higgins and Eleanor Marie Antor lived in 2000 at Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan.4 Lawrence (Larry) Higgins died on 21 July 2012 at Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan.4,3


Eleanor Marie Antor b. 15 December 1919, d. 27 October 2014
Last Edited16 Oct 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Gerald A. Antor, Dec 7, 2008, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.
  2. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Leo J Antor, March 1988. Grand Rapids MI (Publication not provided.)
  3. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Lawrence (Larry) Higgins, July 2012 on, Heritage Life Story Funeral Homes, Grand Rapids MI.
  4. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Eleanor (Antor) Higgins, Oct 2014 on, Heritage Life Story Funeral Homes, Grand Rapids MI.

Dennis Knauf1

M, #14443, d. before December 2003
Father*Ron Knauf1 d. b Dec 2003
Mother*Rose Arends1
Relationship4th cousin 2 times removed of Ralph James Yost
     Dennis Knauf died before December 2003.1
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Edith I. Arends, Dec 10, 2003, The Muskegon Chronicle, Muskegon MI.

Gary Lothschultz1

M, #14444, d. before December 2003
Father*Albin Lothschultz1
Mother*Cecelia Arends1
Relationship4th cousin 2 times removed of Ralph James Yost
     Gary Lothschultz died before December 2003.1
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Edith I. Arends, Dec 10, 2003, The Muskegon Chronicle, Muskegon MI.

Norbert Brown1

M, #14445, b. 1928, d. 13 January 2010
Father*Edward Braun (Brown)1
Mother*Cecilia Gross1
Relationship4th cousin of Ralph James Yost
     Norbert Brown was born in 1928.2 He married Madelyn Muir before December 2003.1 Norbert Brown married Sharon Unknown before December 2003.2,1 Norbert Brown and Sharon Unknown lived in December 2003 at Coopersville, Ottawa, Michigan.1 Norbert Brown died on 13 January 2010.2

Family 2

Sharon Unknown
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Edith I. Arends, Dec 10, 2003, The Muskegon Chronicle, Muskegon MI.
  2. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Norbert W. Brown, Jan 17, 2010, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

Madelyn Muir1

F, #14446
     As of before December 2003,her married name was Brown.1 Madelyn Muir married Norbert Brown, son of Edward Braun (Brown) and Cecilia Gross, before December 2003.1
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Edith I. Arends, Dec 10, 2003, The Muskegon Chronicle, Muskegon MI.
  2. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Norbert W. Brown, Jan 17, 2010, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

Vivian Brown1

F, #14447
Father*Edward Braun (Brown)1
Mother*Cecilia Gross1
Relationship4th cousin of Ralph James Yost
     As of before December 2003,her married name was Kosheba.1 Vivian Brown married Joseph Kosheba before December 2003.1 Vivian Brown and Joseph Kosheba lived in December 2003 at Ravenna, Muskegon, Michigan.1
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Edith I. Arends, Dec 10, 2003, The Muskegon Chronicle, Muskegon MI.

Joseph Kosheba1

M, #14448
     Joseph Kosheba married Vivian Brown, daughter of Edward Braun (Brown) and Cecilia Gross, before December 2003.1 Joseph Kosheba and Vivian Brown lived in December 2003 at Ravenna, Muskegon, Michigan.1


Vivian Brown
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Edith I. Arends, Dec 10, 2003, The Muskegon Chronicle, Muskegon MI.

Steven Brown1

M, #14449
Father*Norbert Brown1 b. 1928, d. 13 Jan 2010
Mother*Madelyn Muir1
Relationship4th cousin 1 time removed of Ralph James Yost
     Steven Brown married Margaret Unknown before January 2010.1 Steven Brown and Margaret Unknown lived in January 2010 at Conklin, Chester Township, Ottawa, Michigan.1
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Norbert W. Brown, Jan 17, 2010, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

Scott Brown1

M, #14450
Father*Norbert Brown1 b. 1928, d. 13 Jan 2010
Mother*Madelyn Muir1
Relationship4th cousin 1 time removed of Ralph James Yost
     Scott Brown married Chris Unknown before January 2010.1 Scott Brown and Chris Unknown lived in January 2010 at Conklin, Chester Township, Ottawa, Michigan.1
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Norbert W. Brown, Jan 17, 2010, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

Sandy Brown1

M, #14451
Father*Norbert Brown1 b. 1928, d. 13 Jan 2010
Mother*Madelyn Muir1
Relationship4th cousin 1 time removed of Ralph James Yost
     Sandy Brown married Sandy Unknown before January 2010.1 Sandy Brown and Sandy Unknown lived in January 2010 at Fruitport, Muskegon, Michigan.1
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Norbert W. Brown, Jan 17, 2010, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

Sally Brown1

F, #14452
Father*Norbert Brown1 b. 1928, d. 13 Jan 2010
Mother*Madelyn Muir1
Relationship4th cousin 1 time removed of Ralph James Yost
     As of before January 2010,her married name was Eden.1 Sally Brown married Charles Eden before January 2010.1 Sally Brown and Charles Eden lived in January 2010 at Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan.1
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Norbert W. Brown, Jan 17, 2010, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

Sheila Brown1

F, #14453
Father*Norbert Brown1 b. 1928, d. 13 Jan 2010
Mother*Madelyn Muir1
Relationship4th cousin 1 time removed of Ralph James Yost
     As of before January 2010,her married name was Bouwman.1 Sheila Brown married David Bouwman before January 2010.1 Sheila Brown and David Bouwman lived in January 2010 at Florida.1
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Norbert W. Brown, Jan 17, 2010, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

Sara Brown1

F, #14454
Father*Norbert Brown1 b. 1928, d. 13 Jan 2010
Mother*Madelyn Muir1
Relationship4th cousin 1 time removed of Ralph James Yost
     As of before January 2010,her married name was Farrugia.1 Sara Brown married Steven Farrugia before January 2010.1 Sara Brown and Steven Farrugia lived in January 2010 at Marne, Wright Township, Ottawa, Michigan.1
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Norbert W. Brown, Jan 17, 2010, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

Margaret Unknown1

F, #14455
     As of before January 2010,her married name was Brown.1 Margaret Unknown married Steven Brown, son of Norbert Brown and Madelyn Muir, before January 2010.1 Margaret Unknown and Steven Brown lived in January 2010 at Conklin, Chester Township, Ottawa, Michigan.1


Steven Brown
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Norbert W. Brown, Jan 17, 2010, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

Chris Unknown1

F, #14456
     As of before January 2010,her married name was Brown.1 Chris Unknown married Scott Brown, son of Norbert Brown and Madelyn Muir, before January 2010.1 Chris Unknown and Scott Brown lived in January 2010 at Conklin, Chester Township, Ottawa, Michigan.1


Scott Brown
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Norbert W. Brown, Jan 17, 2010, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

Sandy Unknown1

F, #14457
     As of before January 2010,her married name was Brown.1 Sandy Unknown married Sandy Brown, son of Norbert Brown and Madelyn Muir, before January 2010.1 Sandy Unknown and Sandy Brown lived in January 2010 at Fruitport, Muskegon, Michigan.1


Sandy Brown
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Norbert W. Brown, Jan 17, 2010, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

Charles Eden1

M, #14458
     Charles Eden married Sally Brown, daughter of Norbert Brown and Madelyn Muir, before January 2010.1 Charles Eden and Sally Brown lived in January 2010 at Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan.1
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Norbert W. Brown, Jan 17, 2010, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

David Bouwman1

M, #14459
     David Bouwman married Sheila Brown, daughter of Norbert Brown and Madelyn Muir, before January 2010.1 David Bouwman and Sheila Brown lived in January 2010 at Florida.1
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Norbert W. Brown, Jan 17, 2010, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.

Steven Farrugia1

M, #14460
     Steven Farrugia married Sara Brown, daughter of Norbert Brown and Madelyn Muir, before January 2010.1 Steven Farrugia and Sara Brown lived in January 2010 at Marne, Wright Township, Ottawa, Michigan.1


Sara Brown
Last Edited7 Feb 2015


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Norbert W. Brown, Jan 17, 2010, The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids MI.