Barbara Mary Hahler1,2

F, #21121, b. 23 February 1954
Father*Howard Anthony Hahler1 b. 12 Sep 1922
Mother*Harriet Corrine Miller1 b. 27 Dec 1924
Relationship4th cousin 1 time removed of Ralph James Yost
ChartsKrupp Descendants Chart (#1)
Krupp Descendants Chart (#2)
     Barbara Mary Hahler was born on 23 February 1954 at Huron, Ohio, USA.2 As of 16 September 1978,her married name was Blaylock.3 She married John Issac Blaylock, son of James Bennett Blaylock and Lillian Margaret Pennington, on 16 September 1978 at Lucas, Ohio.3 Barbara Mary Hahler and John Issac Blaylock were divorced on 31 July 1998 at Lucas, Ohio.4 Barbara Mary Hahler lived in November 2005 at Northwood, Wood, Ohio.5


John Issac Blaylock b. 12 April 1951
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, 70th Anniversary article "HahlersTo Celebrate 70th Wedding Anniversary", Jun 20, 2016, Nowalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  2. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Barbara Mary Hahler, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: February 25, 1954, Certificate Number: 1954023909.
  3. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 9700.
  4. [S98] Divorce Record, Ohio Divorce Index, 1959-2010. Record count: 2,016,754. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 8451.
  5. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Willam "Bill" Hahler, Nov 15, 2005, Norwalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  6. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Eliabeth Renee Blaylock, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: October 29, 1981, Certificate Number: 1981155382.

Joan Marie Hahler1,2

F, #21122, b. 24 June 1955
Father*Howard Anthony Hahler1 b. 12 Sep 1922
Mother*Harriet Corrine Miller1 b. 27 Dec 1924
Relationship4th cousin 1 time removed of Ralph James Yost
ChartsKrupp Descendants Chart (#1)
Krupp Descendants Chart (#2)
     Joan Marie Hahler was born on 24 June 1955 at Huron, Ohio, USA.2 She lived in November 2005 at Norwalk, Huron, Ohio.3
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, 70th Anniversary article "HahlersTo Celebrate 70th Wedding Anniversary", Jun 20, 2016, Nowalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  2. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Joan Marie Hahler, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: June 28, 1955, Certificate Number: 1955094405.
  3. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Willam "Bill" Hahler, Nov 15, 2005, Norwalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.

James Michael (Jim) Hahler1,2

M, #21123, b. 24 April 1957
Father*Howard Anthony Hahler1 b. 12 Sep 1922
Mother*Harriet Corrine Miller1 b. 27 Dec 1924
Relationship4th cousin 1 time removed of Ralph James Yost
ChartsKrupp Descendants Chart (#1)
Krupp Descendants Chart (#2)
     James Michael (Jim) Hahler was born on 24 April 1957 at Huron, Ohio, USA.2 He married Sue Ann Kluding, daughter of Ambrose Kluding and Mary Ann Adelman, on 28 August 1993 at Huron, Ohio.3 James Michael (Jim) Hahler lived in November 2005 at Willard, Huron, Ohio.4


Sue Ann Kluding b. 29 October 1961
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, 70th Anniversary article "HahlersTo Celebrate 70th Wedding Anniversary", Jun 20, 2016, Nowalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  2. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of James Michael Hahler, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: May 10, 1957, Certificate Number: 1957082870.
  3. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 5910.
  4. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Willam "Bill" Hahler, Nov 15, 2005, Norwalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  5. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Benjamin Anthony Hahler, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: October 26, 1994, Certificate Number: 1994115391.
  6. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Hannah Nicole Hahler, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: December 18, 1996, Certificate Number: 1996140677.

Donna Jean Hahler1,2

F, #21124, b. circa 1958
Father*Howard Anthony Hahler1 b. 12 Sep 1922
Mother*Harriet Corrine Miller1 b. 27 Dec 1924
Relationship4th cousin 1 time removed of Ralph James Yost
ChartsKrupp Descendants Chart (#1)
Krupp Descendants Chart (#2)
     Donna Jean Hahler was born circa 1958 at Willard, Huron, Ohio, USA.3 As of 18 October 1980,her married name was Niedermeier.3,1 She married Michael Stephen Niedermeier, son of Robert Eugene Niedermeier and Patricia Ann Reiderman, on 18 October 1980 at Huron, Ohio.3,1 Donna Jean Hahler lived in November 2005 at Willard, Huron, Ohio.4


Michael Stephen Niedermeier b. 17 December 1956
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, 70th Anniversary article "HahlersTo Celebrate 70th Wedding Anniversary", Jun 20, 2016, Nowalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  2. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth Record of Kelly Ann Niedermeier, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: June 21, 1985, Certificate Number: 1985065106.
  3. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 505.
  4. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Willam "Bill" Hahler, Nov 15, 2005, Norwalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  5. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth Record of Nathan George Niedermeier, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: March 08, 1984, Certificate Number: 1984026118.
  6. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth Record of Kyle Joseph Niedermeier, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: February 05, 1993, Certificate Number: 1993002441.

Michael Stephen Niedermeier1,2,3

M, #21125, b. 17 December 1956
Father*Robert Eugene Niedermeier3
Mother*Patricia Ann Reiderman3
     Michael Stephen Niedermeier was born on 17 December 1956 at Ohio, USA.3 He married Donna Jean Hahler, daughter of Howard Anthony Hahler and Harriet Corrine Miller, on 18 October 1980 at Huron, Ohio.1,2


Donna Jean Hahler b. circa 1958
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 505.
  2. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, 70th Anniversary article "HahlersTo Celebrate 70th Wedding Anniversary", Jun 20, 2016, Nowalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  3. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth Record of Michael Stephen Niedermeier, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: December 28, 1956, Certificate Number: 1956220189.
  4. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth Record of Nathan George Niedermeier, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: March 08, 1984, Certificate Number: 1984026118.
  5. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth Record of Kelly Ann Niedermeier, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: June 21, 1985, Certificate Number: 1985065106.
  6. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth Record of Kyle Joseph Niedermeier, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: February 05, 1993, Certificate Number: 1993002441.

William John (Bill) Hahler1,2,3

M, #21126, b. 20 October 1959, d. 13 November 2005
Father*Howard Anthony Hahler1 b. 12 Sep 1922
Mother*Harriet Corrine Miller1 b. 27 Dec 1924
Relationship4th cousin 1 time removed of Ralph James Yost
ChartsKrupp Descendants Chart (#1)
Krupp Descendants Chart (#2)
     William John (Bill) Hahler was born on 20 October 1959 at Willard, Huron, Ohio, USA.2,4 He lived in 2004 at Willard, Huron, Ohio.3 He died on 13 November 2005 at St. Vincent's Hospital, Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, at age 46; never married.2,4 He was buried on 17 November 2005 at Saint Sebastian Catholic Cemetery, Bismark, Sherman Township, Huron, Ohio.4
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, 70th Anniversary article "HahlersTo Celebrate 70th Wedding Anniversary", Jun 20, 2016, Nowalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  2. [S29] Death Record, Ohio Death Index, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007," William J Hahler, 13 Nov 2005; from "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007," database and images, Ancestry( : 2010); citing vol. 35075, certificate number 104442, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus; Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit, Columbus.3.
  3. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:
  4. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Willam "Bill" Hahler, Nov 15, 2005, Norwalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.

Joseph G. Hahler1,2

M, #21127, b. 24 August 1961
Father*Howard Anthony Hahler1 b. 12 Sep 1922
Mother*Harriet Corrine Miller1 b. 27 Dec 1924
Relationship4th cousin 1 time removed of Ralph James Yost
ChartsKrupp Descendants Chart (#1)
Krupp Descendants Chart (#2)
     Joseph G. Hahler was born on 24 August 1961 at Huron, Ohio, USA.2 He married Angela Kay Pieracini, daughter of Floyd Edwin Pieracini and Barbara Ruth Plott, on 27 June 1986 at Wyandot, Ohio.3 Joseph G. Hahler and Angela Kay Pieracini were divorced on 25 April 1995 at Hancock, Ohio.4 Joseph G. Hahler and Angela Kay Pieracini lived in 2008 at Carey, Wyandot, Ohio.2,5


Angela Kay Pieracini b. 12 September 1962, d. 7 April 2012
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, 70th Anniversary article "HahlersTo Celebrate 70th Wedding Anniversary", Jun 20, 2016, Nowalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  2. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:
  3. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 2975.
  4. [S98] Divorce Record, Ohio Divorce Index, 1959-2010. Record count: 2,016,754. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 7743.
  5. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Willam "Bill" Hahler, Nov 15, 2005, Norwalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  6. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014," Ms Angela Kay Pieracini, Findlay, Ohio, United States, 16 Apr 2012; from "Recent Newspaper Obituaries (1977 - Today)," database, ( : 2014); citing , born-digital text.

Cheryl Marie Hahler1,2

F, #21128, b. 26 December 1962
Father*Howard Anthony Hahler1 b. 12 Sep 1922
Mother*Harriet Corrine Miller1 b. 27 Dec 1924
Relationship4th cousin 1 time removed of Ralph James Yost
ChartsKrupp Descendants Chart (#1)
Krupp Descendants Chart (#2)
     Cheryl Marie Hahler was born on 26 December 1962 at Huron, Ohio, USA.3,4 As of 17 September 1988,her married name was Billmaier.1,3 She married Christopher J. Billmaier on 17 September 1988 at Lucas, Ohio.1,3 Cheryl Marie Hahler lived in November 2005 at Bowling Green, Wood, Ohio.5


Christopher J. Billmaier b. 21 December 1959
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, 70th Anniversary article "HahlersTo Celebrate 70th Wedding Anniversary", Jun 20, 2016, Nowalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  2. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Nicholas Christopher Billmaier, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health., File date: December 08, 1994, Certificate Number: 1994143048.
  3. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 3974.
  4. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:
  5. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Willam "Bill" Hahler, Nov 15, 2005, Norwalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  6. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Nicholas Christopher Billmaier, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: December 08, 1994, Certificate Number: 1994143048.

Christopher J. Billmaier1,2

M, #21129, b. 21 December 1959
     Christopher J. Billmaier was born on 21 December 1959.2,3 He married Cheryl Marie Hahler, daughter of Howard Anthony Hahler and Harriet Corrine Miller, on 17 September 1988 at Lucas, Ohio.1,2


Cheryl Marie Hahler b. 26 December 1962
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, 70th Anniversary article "HahlersTo Celebrate 70th Wedding Anniversary", Jun 20, 2016, Nowalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  2. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 3974.
  3. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:
  4. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Nicholas Christopher Billmaier, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: December 08, 1994, Certificate Number: 1994143048.

Kathleen Marie (Kathy) Hahler1,2

F, #21130, b. 9 November 1964
Father*Howard Anthony Hahler1 b. 12 Sep 1922
Mother*Harriet Corrine Miller1 b. 27 Dec 1924
Relationship4th cousin 1 time removed of Ralph James Yost
ChartsKrupp Descendants Chart (#1)
Krupp Descendants Chart (#2)
     Kathleen Marie (Kathy) Hahler was born on 9 November 1964 at Huron, Ohio, USA.3 As of 27 April 1991,her married name was Gadberry.4 She married Gregory W. Gadberry on 27 April 1991 at Sandusky, Ohio.4 Kathleen Marie (Kathy) Hahler and Gregory W. Gadberry were divorced on 9 October 1997 at Huron, Ohio.5 Kathleen Marie (Kathy) Hahler married Dennis Bernard Fox, son of Walter Herman Fox and Evelyn Grace Dickman, on 30 September 2000 at Huron, Ohio.6 Kathleen Marie (Kathy) Hahler and Dennis Bernard Fox lived in 2009 at Bellevue, Huron, Ohio.3,7

Family 1

Gregory W. Gadberry b. 13 August 1958

Family 2

Dennis Bernard Fox b. 11 August 1968
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, 70th Anniversary article "HahlersTo Celebrate 70th Wedding Anniversary", Jun 20, 2016, Nowalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  2. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Courtney Grace Fox, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: November 09, 2004, Certificate Number: 2004125238.
  3. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:
  4. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 5163.
  5. [S98] Divorce Record, Ohio Divorce Index, 1959-2010. Record count: 2,016,754. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 8260.
  6. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 8768.
  7. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Willam "Bill" Hahler, Nov 15, 2005, Norwalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.

Ruth Ann Unknown1

F, #21131
     As of before June 2004,her married name was Westrick.1 Ruth Ann Unknown married Francis Leo Westrick Jr., son of Francis Leo Westrick and Adeline Hermann, before June 2004.1 Ruth Ann Unknown and Francis Leo Westrick Jr. lived in June 2004 at Romulus, Wayne, Michigan.1
Last Edited14 Aug 2016


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Francis Leo Westrick, Jun 17, 2004, Kalamazoo Gazette, Kalamazoo MI.

Nicholas Christopher Billmaier1

M, #21132, b. 30 November 1994
Father*Christopher J. Billmaier1 b. 21 Dec 1959
Mother*Cheryl Marie Hahler1 b. 26 Dec 1962
Relationship4th cousin 2 times removed of Ralph James Yost
ChartsKrupp Descendants Chart
     Nicholas Christopher Billmaier was born on 30 November 1994 at Ohio, USA.1
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Nicholas Christopher Billmaier, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: December 08, 1994, Certificate Number: 1994143048.

Dennis Bernard Fox1,2

M, #21133, b. 11 August 1968
Father*Walter Herman Fox2
Mother*Evelyn Grace Dickman2
     Dennis Bernard Fox was born on 11 August 1968 at Ohio, USA.2 He married Kathleen Marie (Kathy) Hahler, daughter of Howard Anthony Hahler and Harriet Corrine Miller, on 30 September 2000 at Huron, Ohio.1 Dennis Bernard Fox and Kathleen Marie (Kathy) Hahler lived in 2009 at Bellevue, Huron, Ohio.3,4


Kathleen Marie (Kathy) Hahler b. 9 November 1964
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 8768.
  2. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Dennis Bernard Fox, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: September 19, 1968, Certificate Number: 1968115322.
  3. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:
  4. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Willam "Bill" Hahler, Nov 15, 2005, Norwalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  5. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Courtney Grace Fox, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: November 09, 2004, Certificate Number: 2004125238.

Walter Herman Fox1

M, #21134
     Walter Herman Fox married Evelyn Grace Dickman.1


Evelyn Grace Dickman
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Dennis Bernard Fox, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: September 19, 1968, Certificate Number: 1968115322.

Evelyn Grace Dickman1

F, #21135
     Evelyn Grace Dickman married Walter Herman Fox.1 Her married name was Fox.1


Walter Herman Fox
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Dennis Bernard Fox, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: September 19, 1968, Certificate Number: 1968115322.

Gregory W. Gadberry1

M, #21136, b. 13 August 1958
     Gregory W. Gadberry was born on 13 August 1958.1,2 He married Kathleen Marie (Kathy) Hahler, daughter of Howard Anthony Hahler and Harriet Corrine Miller, on 27 April 1991 at Sandusky, Ohio.1 Gregory W. Gadberry and Kathleen Marie (Kathy) Hahler were divorced on 9 October 1997 at Huron, Ohio.3


Kathleen Marie (Kathy) Hahler b. 9 November 1964
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 5163.
  2. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:
  3. [S98] Divorce Record, Ohio Divorce Index, 1959-2010. Record count: 2,016,754. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 8260.

Courtney Grace Fox1

F, #21137, b. 3 November 2004
Father*Dennis Bernard Fox1 b. 11 Aug 1968
Mother*Kathleen Marie (Kathy) Hahler1 b. 9 Nov 1964
Relationship4th cousin 2 times removed of Ralph James Yost
ChartsKrupp Descendants Chart
     Courtney Grace Fox was born on 3 November 2004 at Ohio, USA.1
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Courtney Grace Fox, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: November 09, 2004, Certificate Number: 2004125238.

Carol Ann Gerken1,2

F, #21138, b. 18 September 1952
Father*Lawrence William Gerken3
Mother*Ruby Elizabeth Tilse3
     Carol Ann Gerken was born on 18 September 1952 at Ohio, USA.3,1 As of 18 November 1977,her married name was Hahler.1 She married Lawrence Howard (Larry) Hahler, son of Howard Anthony Hahler and Harriet Corrine Miller, on 18 November 1977 at Wood, Ohio.1 Carol Ann Gerken and Lawrence Howard (Larry) Hahler were divorced on 30 May 2001 at Wood, Ohio.4


Lawrence Howard (Larry) Hahler b. 28 July 1952
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 922.
  2. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Aaron Lawrence Hahler, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: October 27, 1983, Certificate Number: 1983122556.
  3. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Carol Ann Gerken, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health., File date: September 26, 1952, Certificate Number: 1952140629.
  4. [S98] Divorce Record, Ohio Divorce Index, 1959-2010. Record count: 2,016,754. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 9035.
  5. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Megan Elizabeth Hahler, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: August 30, 1985, Certificate Number: 1985094785.

Aaron Lawrence Hahler1

M, #21139, b. 8 September 1983
Father*Lawrence Howard (Larry) Hahler1 b. 28 Jul 1952
Mother*Carol Ann Gerken1 b. 18 Sep 1952
Relationship4th cousin 2 times removed of Ralph James Yost
ChartsKrupp Descendants Chart
     Aaron Lawrence Hahler was born on 8 September 1983 at Ohio, USA.1 He lived in 2008 at Bowling Green, Wood, Ohio.2
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Aaron Lawrence Hahler, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: October 27, 1983, Certificate Number: 1983122556.
  2. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:

Megan Elizabeth Hahler1

F, #21140, b. 12 August 1985
Father*Lawrence Howard (Larry) Hahler1 b. 28 Jul 1952
Mother*Carol Ann Gerken1 b. 18 Sep 1952
Relationship4th cousin 2 times removed of Ralph James Yost
ChartsKrupp Descendants Chart
     Megan Elizabeth Hahler was born on 12 August 1985 at Ohio, USA.1
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Megan Elizabeth Hahler, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: August 30, 1985, Certificate Number: 1985094785.

Ruby Elizabeth Tilse1

F, #21141
     Ruby Elizabeth Tilse married Lawrence William Gerken.1 Her married name was Gerken.1


Lawrence William Gerken
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Carol Ann Gerken, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health., File date: September 26, 1952, Certificate Number: 1952140629.

Lesia Lynn Hizer1,2

F, #21142, b. 17 December 1961
     Lesia Lynn Hizer was born on 17 December 1961 at Ohio, USA.2,1,3 She married Samuel Vincent Marino before 1990.4 Lesia Lynn Hizer and Samuel Vincent Marino were divorced on 17 December 1990 at Lucas, Ohio.4 As of 19 October 2002,her married name was Hahler.1 Lesia Lynn Hizer married Lawrence Howard (Larry) Hahler, son of Howard Anthony Hahler and Harriet Corrine Miller, on 19 October 2002 at Wood, Ohio.1 Lesia Lynn Hizer and Lawrence Howard (Larry) Hahler were divorced on 24 March 2004 at Wood, Ohio.5

Family 2

Lawrence Howard (Larry) Hahler b. 28 July 1952
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 9622.
  2. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Natalie Jean Marino, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health., File date: November 16, 1981, Certificate Number: 1981154854.
  3. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:
  4. [S98] Divorce Record, Ohio Divorce Index, 1959-2010. Record count: 2,016,754. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 6788.
  5. [S98] Divorce Record, Ohio Divorce Index, 1959-2010. Record count: 2,016,754. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 9655.

Mary C. Unknown1

F, #21143, b. circa 1953
     Mary C. Unknown was born circa 1953.1 As of before 2009,her married name was Smith.1 She married Unknown Smith before 2009.1 As of 3 February 2009,her married name was Hahler.1 Mary C. Unknown married Lawrence Howard (Larry) Hahler, son of Howard Anthony Hahler and Harriet Corrine Miller, on 3 February 2009 at Wood, Ohio.1

Family 1

Unknown Smith

Family 2

Lawrence Howard (Larry) Hahler b. 28 July 1952
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 1956.

Unknown Smith1

M, #21144
     Unknown Smith married Mary C. Unknown before 2009.1


Mary C. Unknown b. circa 1953
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 1956.

Angela Kay Pieracini1,2

F, #21145, b. 12 September 1962, d. 7 April 2012
Father*Floyd Edwin Pieracini3
Mother*Barbara Ruth Plott4
     Angela Kay Pieracini was born on 12 September 1962.3,1 As of 27 June 1986,her married name was Hahler.1 She married Joseph G. Hahler, son of Howard Anthony Hahler and Harriet Corrine Miller, on 27 June 1986 at Wyandot, Ohio.1 Angela Kay Pieracini and Joseph G. Hahler were divorced on 25 April 1995 at Hancock, Ohio.5 As of after May 1995,her married name was Norton.2 Angela Kay Pieracini married Larry Norton after May 1995.2 Angela Kay Pieracini and Joseph G. Hahler lived in 2008 at Carey, Wyandot, Ohio.3,6 Angela Kay Pieracini died on 7 April 2012 at Sydenham, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada, at age 49.2

Family 1

Joseph G. Hahler b. 24 August 1961
Marriage*She married Joseph G. Hahler, son of Howard Anthony Hahler and Harriet Corrine Miller, on 27 June 1986 at Wyandot, Ohio.1 
Divorce* Angela Kay Pieracini and Joseph G. Hahler were divorced on 25 April 1995 at Hancock, Ohio.5 

Family 2

Larry Norton
Marriage*Angela Kay Pieracini married Larry Norton after May 1995.2 
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 2975.
  2. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014," Ms Angela Kay Pieracini, Findlay, Ohio, United States, 16 Apr 2012; from "Recent Newspaper Obituaries (1977 - Today)," database, ( : 2014); citing , born-digital text.
  3. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:
  4. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth Record of Edwin Joe Pieracini, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health., File date: July 01, 1957, Certificate Number: 1957107016.
  5. [S98] Divorce Record, Ohio Divorce Index, 1959-2010. Record count: 2,016,754. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 7743.
  6. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Willam "Bill" Hahler, Nov 15, 2005, Norwalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.

Floyd Edwin Pieracini1

M, #21146
     Floyd Edwin Pieracini married Barbara Ruth Plott.2


Barbara Ruth Plott
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S32] Unknown compiler, US Public Records Index Record (n.p.:
  2. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth Record of Edwin Joe Pieracini, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health., File date: July 01, 1957, Certificate Number: 1957107016.

Barbara Ruth Plott1

F, #21147
     Barbara Ruth Plott married Floyd Edwin Pieracini.1 Her married name was Pieracini.1


Floyd Edwin Pieracini
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth Record of Edwin Joe Pieracini, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health., File date: July 01, 1957, Certificate Number: 1957107016.

Larry Norton1

M, #21148
     Larry Norton married Angela Kay Pieracini, daughter of Floyd Edwin Pieracini and Barbara Ruth Plott, after May 1995.1


Angela Kay Pieracini b. 12 September 1962, d. 7 April 2012
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014," Ms Angela Kay Pieracini, Findlay, Ohio, United States, 16 Apr 2012; from "Recent Newspaper Obituaries (1977 - Today)," database, ( : 2014); citing , born-digital text.

Jay Hahler1

M, #21149, b. after July 1986
Father*Joseph G. Hahler1 b. 24 Aug 1961
Mother*Angela Kay Pieracini1 b. 12 Sep 1962, d. 7 Apr 2012
Relationship4th cousin 2 times removed of Ralph James Yost
ChartsKrupp Descendants Chart
     Jay Hahler was born after July 1986 at Carey, Wyandot, Ohio, USA.2 He lived in 2016 at Carey, Wyandot, Ohio.3,2
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014," Ms Angela Kay Pieracini, Findlay, Ohio, United States, 16 Apr 2012; from "Recent Newspaper Obituaries (1977 - Today)," database, ( : 2014); citing , born-digital text.
  2. [S49] Internet Web Site, online unknown url, Hereinafter cited as Internet Web Site.
  3. [S49] Internet Web Site, online unknown url, Hereinafter cited as Internet Web Site.

Arnold James Oliver Jr.1,2,3

M, #21150, b. 19 December 1944
Father*Arnold James Oliver Sr.3
Mother*Eleanore Elizabeth Young3
     Arnold James Oliver Jr. was born on 19 December 1944 at Ohio, USA.3,2 He married Mary Jane Hahler, daughter of Howard Anthony Hahler and Harriet Corrine Miller, on 17 June 1977 at Erie, Ohio.2,1


Mary Jane Hahler b. 31 May 1947
Last Edited9 Aug 2016


  1. [S36] Unknown article title, Obituary/Newspaper Item, unknown location, Obituary of Willam "Bill" Hahler, Nov 15, 2005, Norwalk Reflector, Norwalk OH.
  2. [S75] Marriage Records Civil, Ohio Marriage Index, 1970-2010. Record count: 3,582,103. Ohio Department of Health.
    Volume Number: 9004.
  3. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Arnold James Oliver II, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: December 26, 1944, Certificate Number: 1944122120.
  4. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Sean James Oliver, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: August 19, 1980, Certificate Number: 1980107740.
  5. [S100] Birth Record (Published), Birth record of Gregory David Oliver, Ohio Birth Index, 1908-2011. Record count: 13,254,340. Ohio Department of Health.
    File date: March 01, 1984, Certificate Number: 1984010490.